
There’s no hack to sustainable growth.


In recent years the art of branding has evolved impressively in the understanding and incorporation of behavioural science. And although this science can teach us many ways to hack people’s decisions, it is not equipped to motivate people in the long haul.

Psychological research shows that tricking people into doing things may help companies in the short term, but it takes continuous and exponentially growing investments to achieve the same effects over time.

Meanwhile, the same research shows a much more interesting approach: motivating behavior through communication based on the differentiating identity of a brand.  In other words, every investment made into yourself will further enable and motivate the customer to choose your brand.

Investing in your own identity is the best way to achieve sustainable growth.

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Step one

Community Brand Method


The most difficult part in choosing sustainable growth is letting go of the urge to please everyone. It feels counterintuitive to work on yourself in order to motivate others.

That is why it is really important to believe that your current identity is the best version of you, that you could be. We have created a scientific substantiated framework that challenges your current identity and guides you - step by step - to establish an identity you can build on, while motivating others in the process.

Step two

Strengthen your identity


Stakeholders are becoming more influential every day. They demand transparency and won’t hesitate to expose inconsistencies in your identity.

It is therefore important to understand that an identity is not just a story to tell, it is who you are: down to the very smallest detail. In this second step it is important to analyse inconsistencies within your identity – whether it is in HR, product development or communications – and create an integrated action plan to strengthen who you are.

Step three

Be consistent over time


Every action that is inconsistent with your identity, challenges it. In other words, every action that is inconsistent with your identity has a negative impact on your sustainable growth.

It doesn’t mean there is no room for progress. It does mean that you need to be aware of the identity of your business and take the time to assess whether your actions will build it up, rather than tear it down.

It is important to keep your identity fresh and contemporary, while simultaneously making your brand identity more clearly visible and recognizable.